The Digital Video Archive Tour

Create your DVA account today. It's free and easy!


Upload videos directly from your phone, tablet or computer to your personal DVA account: Friends, Family, Kids, Babies, Weddings, Births, Parties, Vacations, Sports, Prom, Graduations, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Cookouts and everyday life. The list is endless. Once they're uploaded to your Digital Video Archive, you can invite your Viewers - friends and family. Your DVA experience is just beginning. If you've got old film, video or DVDs, a Digital Video Archive Authorized Rep can assist.


Invite Viewers - your friends and family. Decide which of your videos (DVAs) you want each Viewer to see. You can let everyone see everything or choose certain individuals to see select DVAs. For example, you may want everyone to see your wedding videos, but only share the delivery of your first born with someone special. Anyone you invite to be a Viewer will receive an invitation to create their own free DVA account. Then, when they log into their new Digital Video Archive, they will see the videos you have chosen for them, plus they can immediately start uploading their own videos, inviting viewers and sharing their new DVAs. Did we say sharing? Read further...


It's better to give than receive! You can share your videos (DVAs) with anyone you want. It's fun and so easy! Just choose a DVA to share and then select who you'd like to share it with. Now you can give anyone and everyone that precious video or videos you took with your phone or created on your computer. Maybe all of your friends attended the same party, sporting event, or wedding. They would like to have your images and you would probably like to have theirs. Now you can. It's easy. It's fun and it's very, very cool! You may have videos that you do not want shared and that's fine. You're in control!


As you add more friends and family and share video with them you will begin building your own Digital Video Archive as well. Your Viewers will share their video with you too - those precious and special moments and memories both recent and from the past. Everyone can now have all of the family videos and memories in their own Digital Video Archive. Sharing DVAs and receiving shared DVAs with your Digital Video Archive community is really fun!


With all of your videos in one place you can organize them any way you want: by subject, by date, by person - you decide. Put in titles and descriptions. Plus you can be creative as you want to be with our easy-to-use online editor. Combine clips. Cut parts you don't want. Add titles, transitions, and effects. Choose themes. With our sharing feature you can collaborate with your friends, family and colleagues.


Need to download a DVA? No problem. If you ever need to access your DVAs you can download them at any time.


Enjoy your all of your videos from the comfort of your home on your Smart TV!* No matter where you go, your all of your DVAs - videos are always with you.

*Available on Samsung and LG Smart TVs.

Introducing MOTIF! The DVA Editor

We're happy to announce MOTIF! The DVA Editor. Now you can easily edit your old home movies, family videos and your smartphone videos!

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Become a DVA Pro with this simple box.

Are you a Video Producer? Use our DVA Deluxe Authoring system to digitize, author and share video. Add menus, chapters, thumbnails, titles and descriptions. Streamline the way you encode, create and distribute video content to your clients and viewers.

Learn More!

Archive Your Life with DVA!

Gather up your old movies, tapes and DVDs and find a DVA Authorized Rep to assist you in the professional conversion and upload to your new Digital Video Archive account.

Old media to DVA!
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